My hemoglobin is low, so the oncology nurses told me I need blood.
I am a little freaked out about getting someone else's blood.
If I have to get blood, I would rather get it from someone I know. Apparently, that is way more complicated. So, I am getting blood from some random person.
The nurses assure me that the blood is checked and safe. It is still wierd.
I came in today, Sunday morning, to receive two "portions" of blood.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
Mel Mathias Jewish War Hero
13 hours ago
It might sound eerie but I had low hemoglobin and was given 'random' blood. It worked.
Be well.
So we'll know if you need again, what's your blood type?
When my son needed blood, we were told it would be better for him to get it from non-relatives--something about it decreasing his chances of getting hepatitis. I know they screen it very well so I just tried not to think about it much. Especially when I read that Arafat donated blood.
Everything in the physical universe is constantly recycling. The molecules we breath into our lungs have been in and out of many other lungs and trees and oceans. The molecules in all the food we eat have cycled through many other bodies and animals and the earth. The blood you received is just part of this whole, as are you. I hope you receive what you need from it and can maybe see it not as "freaky" but more as a kind of connectedness to the whole of life.
Hope the transfusion is making you feel better. Keeping you in my heart and prayers.....:-) Hugs
A lot of women are enjoying reading the Twighlight series. It might be a bit macabre to think of in those terms, but I thought you might get a laugh out of the thought. Of course, your sense of humor isn't as sick as mine, so please forgive if I offend.
How lucky you are that there are people kind and generous enough to donate blood.
do you need donations to "give back?"
hubby and i both donate whenever possible and are insured for life
I hope you are feeling better after the transfusion.
I also am willing to donate blood in your name if you need to "pay back" units. Just let us know the info. I just came back from a Tehillim group where we prayed for anyone and everyone who needs renewed health and you were included in that. I hope the transfusion gave you some added energy. I know this heat will get anyone down, but try to stay cool...
Ditto from me, RivkA. I, too, donate regularly. I'm O+, so unless you're Rh negative you could take directly from me if you wanted. (A "plus" for being a "universal donor.")
- Eliyahu
I donate regularly, too, if you need me.
Refuah Shleimah. Too bad you can't just down a can of Spinach...
Dearest RivkA
I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I know you will be feeling better very soon.
Take care of yourself...
Alli XOX
RivkA I also donate regularly and am O+ and would be glad to donate for you or for "payback" units.
Thanks to you all!
Save the O+ for someone who really needs it!
I am A+
I think that is the most common blood type.
I do not know if I need to "pay it back."
I know that no one wants any of my blood!
How do you donate blood for someone else? Do you just give them my name??
Don't forget, a portion of your family is from Transylvania. Yum!
Andrea -- for real??
Andrea -- for real??
Andrea -- for real??
Andrea -- for real??
Andrea -- for real??
Yes...for real! I've been to the village my father was born in and it is definitely in Transylvania. Your mother has all of the information but if you'd like I can give you both the Hungarian and Roumanian names.
You were probably too young to remember them but the David boys all had the same accent as Bela Lagosi.
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