At the end of the day, pictures are what we look at to remember our simchas (celebrations) and family events.
At my daughter's Bat Mitzvah, we forgot to take family photos. At the very end, we rushed to get in a few pictures before our "photographer" had to leave.
A friend of ours took pictures for us, but it is challenging to be both a guest and a photographer.
This time around, we asked two friends to take pictures and we asked them both to arrive!
I had meant to ask even more friends to just bring cameras and take pictures, but I forgot. Lucky for us, another two friends came with their cameras anyway, including one friend who had a pretty serious camera and seemed pretty serious about taking pictures!!
I have not seen any pictures yet, but I have already added a few more things to my list, to (hopefully) remember next time....
Things to Remember:
1. Arrive at least an HOUR early for pictures. We planned to arrive a half hour early. We arrived 15 minutes early. The caterer was there to great us; he introduced us to the staff and went over some final details. Guests were already arriving as we rushed to take pictures.
2. Make sure ALL family members know they are supposed to be there at that time!! Certain family members, who shall remain nameless, asked Moshe "What time will things really start?" Moshe answered their question directly -- he told them the time we expected most guests to arrive and would be serving the food (about a half hour after the time on the invitation). Said family members were really asking "What time should we be there?" (We only figured that out afterwards) So, these family members planned to arrive at that time, half an hour late! Then they got stuck in traffic and arrived even later! So much for pictures!
3. Ask a friend or two to come early, to help with pictures (i.e. to run after people and gather them for pictures). Since we are the ba'alei hasimcha (family celebrating), we are in almost every picture. It would save a lot of energy if someone OTHER than me would be running around telling family members (and friends) when to gather and come for pictures. This is definitely something I could delegate!!
4. Take "group" photos!! (and use the microphone to gather the relevant people) A friend from college "popped in" to our simcha (celebration) (she could not stay because they had a wedding the same night). I realized that I have TONS of friends who went to the same college as I (though not at the same time). I quickly gathered (almost) all of my friends who attended Barnard for a photo. (I did miss at least one friend -- that's what photo shop is for!) I am so happy to have a photo like that!!
In addition to more family photos, I would have liked group photos of (in no particular order):
1. "frisbeechevra" friends
2. "blogger" friends
3. college friends
4. "Tnuat AM" friends
5. the "lost boys" (i.e. my son's friends)
You get the idea!
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
Learn to See, Learn to Draw
18 hours ago
RivcA, I am abroad , but finally got to read your last few blogs. Mazal tov! And good luck with the new round of treatment.
RivkA, I have some photos for you. Where should I send them?
Thanks for the tips. I guess they can be used for any kind of events for which we want to make photos.
My son's bris was on a Friday, less than 12 hours after Pesach ended. We had to extricate ourselves from my ILs' apt and go home; then receive my dad and stepmom to stay overnight; plus deal with a newborn and a toddler and get to the shul by 7 am or whatever.
So. We forgot to assign someone the task of taking pictures.
He'll probably hate us for it later, but we joke that it was a continuation of Yom Tov. He probably *should* have been born on Yom Rishon shel Pesach, which would have been a YT bris in the States. It was a crazy day any which way.
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