Yesterday, my friend CV offered to help me look for a new dress for my daughter's Bat Mitzvah.
I was not going to get anything new, but my MIL suggested I get something new and offered to contribute towards a new dress. So, I figured, I should at least look around....
I found the most beautiful dress! It was perfect: beautiful, soft, flowy, fancy, elegant, stylish and unique; cut in a way that flattered even my mishapen body! The dress was even in my colors: different shades of tourquiose and black.
This dress was everything I could have wanted..... and completely out of my price range!
My jaw fell to the floor when I saw the price tag. Even with an additional discount, the price was not just out of the ballpark, it was out of my league!!
Do people really spend 2,000 NIS for a dress????
I would never dream of spending that much money on an article of clothing!!!
The only problem is that now that I have seen the perfect dress, everything else will pale in comparison....
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
Learn to See, Learn to Draw
18 hours ago
I have been there so many times! I can picture something in my head, know it's perfect, find it and scream because I know it's just not going to happen!
Enjoying your blog, and hope to learn from you.
I hope you can find a way to get this beautiful dress, it sounds like it was made for you.....Hugs
Did you get a picture so we can see what the dress-you-forgo looks like? Would you want to go back and get a picture of yourself in the dress?
I would play the cancer card and see if they give you a discount. It sounds like you were at the boutique where my friend's daughter works.
I have never paid more than 600 NIS for a dress. Having said that, I have never found the perfect dress (or anything else). since you have, I think you should buy it and enjoy it.
Shabbat shalom,
Do you or your friends know a "toferet" aka dressmaker who could make a similar item for less than half the price?
Ah yes, the price and disappointment of having good taste!
jaw dropping here. I once picked up a super-fancy designer dress for my sister. (she'd tried it on and wasn't sure, so she didn't buy it but then she regretted it, and the shop was right across from my work and a 45 minute drive from where we live... so I went to pick it up for her.) I was stunned by how expensive it was. I think it was 550 shekels.
(and I got some serious looks at my work, b/c I was a total schlub and I'd bought this super-fancy designer dress... that was the best part!)
Tashlumim, baby, tashlumim.
It's a dress, Baila, not a car.
here's my cautionary tale - the most expensive dress i ever owned:
back when the first of my brothers got married, I was in my third trimester of my last pregnancy. at the time, specialised maternity clothing was practically unheard of around here - you just bought stuff big.
i knew the wedding was going to be an elegant affair, and the bride had asked the maids/matrons of honor (ie- her sisters and me, the groom's sister) to be color coordinated, wine red).
since there was no chance of finding a maternity wine red maternity dress, i bought material and had one made.
all told, it ended up a lot more expensive than anything else i'd ever bought then, or since.
(i rarely feel that way about a garment).
however, the dress was LOST soon after. i never wore it again, or get to lend it out. it was heartbreaking!(we were doing construction on the house, and a lot of stuff we put in storage disappeared)
i still have a beautiful portrait from that wedding, with my mother, my grandmother (it was also one of her last visits to israel before she passed away) my daughters, and I, all together, hanging on the wall. it's one of my favorites.
(the family portrait with the men isn't hanging there as well, b/c S isn't visible yet as anything more than a large bulge under that dress :-)
take from the story what you will.
love and hugs
when is the Bat Mitzva? And when can I visit? and how tall are you?
and do you cover elbows?
There are "g'machim" which basically rent out gorgeous dresses
for a few hundred shekels a night. If actually owning the dress is not so important, this might be a
very reasonable option. Maybe someone here has more details on finding such a "g'mach" (quotation marks because it's not free, but it is claimed to be heavily subsidized).
Just a thought.
2,000 nis is what people in Tel Aviv pay for a prom dress or a sister-of-the-bride dress; usually something that looks vaguely like underwear that has a lot of rhinestones on it.
It's a ridiculous price. maybe you can have something made or take Saul's advice about a gmach if you won't need such a fancy dress again.
I always borrow or rent fancy dresses for special occasions. Feel like a Queen for a fraction of the price! hope you find something that makes you feel as great as that dress did. Mazal tov!
You will look beautiful in no matter what dress you wear.
hard one. eveyone gave you good advice. its so great to feel you look good in something, especialy when your not 100% happy with your body (who is) and its so great to look back at pictures and like how you look. on the other hand, 2000 shekel!!!!
good luck and mazal tov!
Linda - I am so used to walking away, either because the price tag was too high or the sales people were too rude.....
Bernie - the dress really was made for me!
Anon - that would have been smart! Afterwards, I kicked myself for not taking a picture!
Mikimi - I did (actually, I had my friend do it). It still cost so much....
Ariela - I never paid even that much!
Anon - good idea....
Rebecca - yes, I actually can walk into a store and pick out the highest priced items....
Leah GG - that's what happened to me, except it took me longer to realize how much I regretted not getting the dress.....
Baila - tashlumim doesn't really help unless more money is going to magically appear in my bank....
BW - since you have the picture, and love it so much, it sounds like it was worth it to get the dress.... what do you think?
Leah - 165, I think. Parshat Balak.
Saul - I would not rent a dress for a simcha. That really feels like throwing out money. I would either buy something new or wear something I already own.
Sarah - Well, there are no rhinestones on this dress and it does not look like underclothes.
Erika - it's so hard to find something that fits me well. That's one of the reasons I hate shopping so much.
Melisa - sweet, but not necessarily true!
Faith - well, they would sell it to me for 1600... but still!
Do you want me to raid some wardrobes here and come over one day next week? I might be able to come up with something nice that you can borrow.
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