(This post contains many religious Jewish references. My apologies to those for whom this post is unclear)
I cried.
I love reading Torah. Every year, I schlep my famiy to Baka/Talpiot, so that I can celebrate Simchat Torah the way I want.
I always read V'Zot HaB'racha.
This year, in addition, I was offered the opportunity to read B'reishit for the Kallat HaTorah. At least I had the forsight to make sure I had a back-up.
It took me longer than usual to learn the reading of B'reishit.
I had no problem reading V'Zot HaB'racha. Like I told the coordinator, I can read that in my sleep. But the melody for B'reishit just flew out of my brain, as if I had not prepared at all. I could not remember the notes.
Plain and simple, my memory is no longer what it used to be. I cannot avoid the simple, painful fact that I can no longer volunteer to read Torah.
Accepting this new limitation is really tough.
Reading Torah has always been a profoundly moving, religious experience for me. Nothing else has ever made me feel so intensely connected to God. I really feel like I am God's mouthpiece, bringing His words directily to His people.
I take reading Torah accurately very seriously. I am dilligent about correctly pronouncing the words and singing the cantellations.
I deeply love reading Torah.
To my great disappointment, I find that I can no longer read at a level that is acceptible to me.
In the scheme of things, this might seem like a fairly benign loss.
For me, this marks a significant limitation and really brings home the feeling of loss and disability that accompany cancer.
Crying helped me share with God just how sad I am. It also helped me to accept that I need to take a step back and let someone else take over.
It is hard.... really hard....
I know that, in time, I will learn to accept this new reality, as I have accepted previous changes and limitations.
For now, I am still sad.
I am not quite done crying yet....
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
On a Day of Rain, On a Day of Pain
1 day ago