Over 1000 people came for the late night funeral of RivkA, overflowing the building. The large crowd gathered outside and listened to the eulogies via loudspeakers.
Bloggers continue to write about RivkA:
Carl in Jerusalem was at the funeral tonight and wrote about it. [link fixed]
Baila wrote about RivkA.
Batya from MeAnder remembers RivkA.
The "Nad-Ned" blog has a beautiful post with wonderful photos of RivkA.
Frume Sarah writes about RivkA "Across Space and Time"
"Miles to go before I sleep" remembers RivkA...
The eulogies tonight were video-recorded and we hope to post them at some point.
If you write a blogpost about RivkA, please leave the hyperlink address to it in the comments section.
May RivkA's family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please daven (or send happy thoughts) for the memory of RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
With love and optimism, RivkA's family
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
10 PM Funeral Arrangements (Update)
RivkA's funeral will be at
10 PM this evening
(Saturday night)
10 PM this evening
(Saturday night)
Signs around Jerusalem mistakenly say 8 PM, but the funeral will be at 10 PM.
Davening (prayer times) & Shiva (family condolences) Details:
Shacharit at 7 AM
Mincha at 4:40 PM
Arvit at 5:20 PM
During 12 - 3 PM every day the family will be on a break, so please do not come during those hours.
Visitors should not come later than 9:30 PM, to allow the family for private time as well.
If you need directions to the shiva, you can contact me at muqata@gmail.com
Shavua tov,
May RivkA's family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please daven (or send happy thoughts) for the memory of RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
With love and optimism, RivkA's family
Funeral Arrangements,
Friday, October 29, 2010
Funeral Arrangements
This post is being continuously updated till after RivkA's funeral/livaya - please go to the bottom for updates.
The funeral for RivkA will be held Saturday evening, Moetzei Shabbat at 10PM.
It will be at the Kehillat Yerushalayim Beit Hesped in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, across from the Herzog Hospital (on Har Hamenuchot).
Update: The family is looking for friends of RivkA who would like to volunteer to do "shmira" and say tehillim next to RivkA from 4 PM this afternoon (Friday) through Motzei Shabbat at 6 PM at Shaarei Tzedek Hospital (bring warm clothes). Each shift should be between 4-6 hours, based on the number of volunteers.
Shiva information and additional details will be posted.
Map to get to the Beit Hesped (you can click the map and enter in your address to get directions)
View Beit Hesped Kehillat Yerushalayim in a larger map
Update: People speaking at RivkA's funeral are requested to speak in English (if they can) so that RivkA's family from the USA can appreciate your thoughts as well.
Update: As is the Ashkenazic custom in Judaism, after a person dies, they are referred to by their name, and as the son/daughter of their father. Therefore, for those who are praying in her memory, her name is RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
Saturday Night Update: Reminder -- the funeral is at 10 PM, Saturday night, and NOT at 8 PM as it appears on signs around Jerusalem. Shiva information and additional updates posted at the top of the blog. (Or here)
May RivkA's family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for the memory of RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
With love and optimism, RivkA's family
The funeral for RivkA will be held Saturday evening, Moetzei Shabbat at 10PM.
It will be at the Kehillat Yerushalayim Beit Hesped in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, across from the Herzog Hospital (on Har Hamenuchot).
Update: The family is looking for friends of RivkA who would like to volunteer to do "shmira" and say tehillim next to RivkA from 4 PM this afternoon (Friday) through Motzei Shabbat at 6 PM at Shaarei Tzedek Hospital (bring warm clothes). Each shift should be between 4-6 hours, based on the number of volunteers.
Shiva information and additional details will be posted.
Map to get to the Beit Hesped (you can click the map and enter in your address to get directions)
View Beit Hesped Kehillat Yerushalayim in a larger map
Update: People speaking at RivkA's funeral are requested to speak in English (if they can) so that RivkA's family from the USA can appreciate your thoughts as well.
Update: As is the Ashkenazic custom in Judaism, after a person dies, they are referred to by their name, and as the son/daughter of their father. Therefore, for those who are praying in her memory, her name is RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
Saturday Night Update: Reminder -- the funeral is at 10 PM, Saturday night, and NOT at 8 PM as it appears on signs around Jerusalem. Shiva information and additional updates posted at the top of the blog. (Or here)
May RivkA's family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for the memory of RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
With love and optimism, RivkA's family
Funeral Details,
Baruch Dayan HaEmet
Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Blessed is the True Judge.
This is the blessing said upon hearing the news of someone's death.
About 11:10 AM this morning (Friday), RivkA passed away.
Funeral plans are in the process, and we'll post them as soon as we know.
May RivkA's family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please daven (or send happy thoughts) for the memory of RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
With love and optimism,RivkA's family
This is the blessing said upon hearing the news of someone's death.
About 11:10 AM this morning (Friday), RivkA passed away.
Funeral plans are in the process, and we'll post them as soon as we know.
May RivkA's family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please daven (or send happy thoughts) for the memory of RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
With love and optimism,RivkA's family
Friday Morning Update
8:15 AM -- Friday Morning, Erev Shabbat Chayei Sarah.
Good Morning.
RivkA's resting and her pain management seems to be under control.
For the past day, RivkA is less interactive that she was earlier this week and she is resting almost all the time. Though very weak, RivkA is aware of her surroundings and hears much of what's going on around her.
A few comments from her family:
1. Visitors are encouraged for short stays! However, only 1 or 2 friends are being allowed in at a time, so you may need to wait. The family very much appreciates all her friends coming to visit, because it also helps the family if they need to step away for a minute, as they don't want to leave RivkA unattended. RivkA knows there are people around her, and she takes comfort in that.
2. There is a notebook in RivkA's room. Please ask for it so you can write your thoughts or stories about RivkA in it. RivkA and her family would love to read what you have to say. Moshe has been reading blog comments, emails, and stories from the notebook to RivkA. Private emails can be sent to: thematityas@gmail.com
3. The exact quote from RivkA on Sunday evening was: "I am now in a different state" (RivkA's sister asked that it be corrected.) There is another sentence or 2 she said which we'll try to post at some point.
4. Many people participated in yesterday's "Race for the Cure" event for breast cancer awareness in Jerusalem, and there were people that carried signs with RivkA's name on it or had RivkA's name on their shirts. RivkA and family were very touched by this, and if anyone has photos of those signs/shirts from yesterday, please send them. You can also post them to her wall on facebook (and we'll post them here as well if you don't mind --you can send them to me here as well at: muqata@gmail.com)
Wishing RivkA, her family and friends, a restful and peaceful Shabbat weekend.
PS: Here is an article in today's Jerusalem Post (link updated)
Update: Here's a photo of RivkA's friends at the "Race for the Cure" this past Thursday in Jerusalem.

Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.With love and optimism,RivkA
Good Morning.
RivkA's resting and her pain management seems to be under control.
For the past day, RivkA is less interactive that she was earlier this week and she is resting almost all the time. Though very weak, RivkA is aware of her surroundings and hears much of what's going on around her.
A few comments from her family:
1. Visitors are encouraged for short stays! However, only 1 or 2 friends are being allowed in at a time, so you may need to wait. The family very much appreciates all her friends coming to visit, because it also helps the family if they need to step away for a minute, as they don't want to leave RivkA unattended. RivkA knows there are people around her, and she takes comfort in that.
2. There is a notebook in RivkA's room. Please ask for it so you can write your thoughts or stories about RivkA in it. RivkA and her family would love to read what you have to say. Moshe has been reading blog comments, emails, and stories from the notebook to RivkA. Private emails can be sent to: thematityas@gmail.com
3. The exact quote from RivkA on Sunday evening was: "I am now in a different state" (RivkA's sister asked that it be corrected.) There is another sentence or 2 she said which we'll try to post at some point.
4. Many people participated in yesterday's "Race for the Cure" event for breast cancer awareness in Jerusalem, and there were people that carried signs with RivkA's name on it or had RivkA's name on their shirts. RivkA and family were very touched by this, and if anyone has photos of those signs/shirts from yesterday, please send them. You can also post them to her wall on facebook (and we'll post them here as well if you don't mind --you can send them to me here as well at: muqata@gmail.com)
Wishing RivkA, her family and friends, a restful and peaceful Shabbat weekend.
PS: Here is an article in today's Jerusalem Post (link updated)
Update: Here's a photo of RivkA's friends at the "Race for the Cure" this past Thursday in Jerusalem.

Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.With love and optimism,RivkA
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Mid Afternoon Update
Thursday, Mid Afternoon Update, 3:30 PM
RivkA's pain-management doctor reported to Moshe that he believes RivkA's pain is less than before due to the procedure this morning.
RivkA is mostly quiet now or sleeping.
Moshe told RivkA that her blog is now being updated as she requested, so that her many friends can be kept in the loop.
I'm reminded of RivkA's post from 2007, "No Droopy Eyes Please"
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism, RivkA
RivkA's pain-management doctor reported to Moshe that he believes RivkA's pain is less than before due to the procedure this morning.
RivkA is mostly quiet now or sleeping.
Moshe told RivkA that her blog is now being updated as she requested, so that her many friends can be kept in the loop.
I'm reminded of RivkA's post from 2007, "No Droopy Eyes Please"
Okay, so here is the deal: I don't want people to look at me with sad, "droopy" eyes.(Read the rest of it here: "No Droopy Eyes Please")
I don't want people to think of me and feel sad.
I don't want people to see me and feel sorry.
I don't want to be the cause of worry and concern.
I know that when you first hear the news, it's a bit of a shock. So it's okay to be sad in the beginning (I was too). But don't stay there!
You can ask me anything.
I'm totally open.
I don't mind talking about the cancer or what's going on.
Chemo certainly affects the day-to-day of my life, so there's no ignoring it.
But I really don't intend to hang out in some dark, depressing emotional pit.
So here's what I want:
When you think of me, be happy.
When you see me, smile.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism, RivkA
Thursday Morning Update
Good Morning.
RivkA's night was an extension of yesterday, as she was in a lot of pain. The doctors have readjusted her pain management this morning, hoping it will give her some relief. (Will update on this a bit later today)
RivkA isn't as talkative as earlier, but she (and her family) are very appreciate of the friends who come and speak to her for short visits, even if she has her eyes closed.
The JBlogosphere is expressing its care and love for RivkA in blog posts everywhere...here are a few that I found quickly:
Treppenwitz's "Thoughts and Prayers"
Batya's "RivkA on my mind"
Robin's "RivkA Update"
This week's JBlogosphere roundup "Haveil Havalim" was dedicated in honor of RivkA.
In fact, if you google for "RivkA bat Teirtzel" there are over 22,000 results of caring people who are publicizing her name, so that prayers, tehillim, and happy and healing thoughts are directed on her behalf.
If you write a blog post about RivkA, please leave a link to it in the comments section.
Praying that RivkA will have an easier day.
Update: Kudos to all of those running in the "Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure" today in Jerusalem.
"Significant historic sites were lit in pink and hundreds will gather for the first Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® in Israel, as delegates from global and Israeli organizations gather to advance the breast cancer movement in a mission trip to Israel Oct. 25-28.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, the world’s largest breast cancer organization, is partnering with the City of Jerusalem, Hadassah®, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, and health, science and advocacy organizations for the historic week that will also launch the Israel Breast Cancer Collaborative.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism, RivkA
RivkA's night was an extension of yesterday, as she was in a lot of pain. The doctors have readjusted her pain management this morning, hoping it will give her some relief. (Will update on this a bit later today)
RivkA isn't as talkative as earlier, but she (and her family) are very appreciate of the friends who come and speak to her for short visits, even if she has her eyes closed.
The JBlogosphere is expressing its care and love for RivkA in blog posts everywhere...here are a few that I found quickly:
Treppenwitz's "Thoughts and Prayers"
Batya's "RivkA on my mind"
Robin's "RivkA Update"
This week's JBlogosphere roundup "Haveil Havalim" was dedicated in honor of RivkA.
In fact, if you google for "RivkA bat Teirtzel" there are over 22,000 results of caring people who are publicizing her name, so that prayers, tehillim, and happy and healing thoughts are directed on her behalf.
If you write a blog post about RivkA, please leave a link to it in the comments section.
Praying that RivkA will have an easier day.

"Significant historic sites were lit in pink and hundreds will gather for the first Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® in Israel, as delegates from global and Israeli organizations gather to advance the breast cancer movement in a mission trip to Israel Oct. 25-28.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, the world’s largest breast cancer organization, is partnering with the City of Jerusalem, Hadassah®, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, and health, science and advocacy organizations for the historic week that will also launch the Israel Breast Cancer Collaborative.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism, RivkA
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday Night Update
Today was a difficult day for RivkA.
RivkA was in a lot of pain for most of the day. Throughout the day she was being tended to by her family and hospital staff to try and keep her as comfortable as possible in her weakened condition.
This evening, RivkA's husband Moshe asked her if she wanted to see any of the guests who had patiently waited (and stayed) for a chance to see her, and she answered, "yes." Her friends were able to briefly see her, and that made RivkA happy.
The majority of people didn't get to see her today, but RivkA's family is encouraging people to come, on the chance RikvA might be able to see them at some point.
Hoping for an easier day tomorrow.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
RivkA was in a lot of pain for most of the day. Throughout the day she was being tended to by her family and hospital staff to try and keep her as comfortable as possible in her weakened condition.
This evening, RivkA's husband Moshe asked her if she wanted to see any of the guests who had patiently waited (and stayed) for a chance to see her, and she answered, "yes." Her friends were able to briefly see her, and that made RivkA happy.
The majority of people didn't get to see her today, but RivkA's family is encouraging people to come, on the chance RikvA might be able to see them at some point.
Hoping for an easier day tomorrow.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
"I Feel Like I’m in a Different State…"
"I feel like I’m in a different state…" – these were the words RivkA repeated to us a few times, as she tried to put her thoughts in order for a blog post.
When I visited RivkA on Sunday evening, she was already very tired.
After some very difficult days during which she barely managed to communicate, Sunday was not just a “good day,” but an “excellent and amazing day,” as she spent quality time – quality communicative time, with her children, husband, parents and siblings.
By the evening when we visited, Rivka was exhausted. But she smiled at our jokes, laughed a bit, gave us a “thumbs up” for something she agreed with, and even laughed at a computer joke.
On Monday morning, RivkA’s brother sent me an audio note, where I heard RivkA request that friends come to visit her…and she was blessed with many friends who came to entertain her. She happily sang along as a friend played their guitar, and acknowledged the presence of the so many people who came to visit her.
On Tuesday, RivkA slept most of the day. When she was awake she was still rather drowsy. The vast majority of the many people who came to visit her weren’t able to talk to her, and instead spent time talking to RivkA’s family.
People are still welcome to come and visit, even though RivkA may be sleeping.
On behalf of RivkA and her family, please continue to visit, pray and send positive thoughts for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
RivkA’s friend,
PS: I'm sorry that there hasn't been more updates on the blog. Having discussed the issue with RivkA's husband, I will now be posting more regular updates.
Update: If you come for a visit, please plan on keeping actual visit time with RivkA, short. All the food that's been brought to the hospital is greatly appreciated, yet please refrain from bringing BAKED GOODS.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism, RivkA
When I visited RivkA on Sunday evening, she was already very tired.
After some very difficult days during which she barely managed to communicate, Sunday was not just a “good day,” but an “excellent and amazing day,” as she spent quality time – quality communicative time, with her children, husband, parents and siblings.
By the evening when we visited, Rivka was exhausted. But she smiled at our jokes, laughed a bit, gave us a “thumbs up” for something she agreed with, and even laughed at a computer joke.
On Monday morning, RivkA’s brother sent me an audio note, where I heard RivkA request that friends come to visit her…and she was blessed with many friends who came to entertain her. She happily sang along as a friend played their guitar, and acknowledged the presence of the so many people who came to visit her.
On Tuesday, RivkA slept most of the day. When she was awake she was still rather drowsy. The vast majority of the many people who came to visit her weren’t able to talk to her, and instead spent time talking to RivkA’s family.
People are still welcome to come and visit, even though RivkA may be sleeping.
On behalf of RivkA and her family, please continue to visit, pray and send positive thoughts for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
RivkA’s friend,
PS: I'm sorry that there hasn't been more updates on the blog. Having discussed the issue with RivkA's husband, I will now be posting more regular updates.
Update: If you come for a visit, please plan on keeping actual visit time with RivkA, short. All the food that's been brought to the hospital is greatly appreciated, yet please refrain from bringing BAKED GOODS.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism, RivkA
Monday, October 25, 2010
An Update
A post should be up here later today, as dictated by RivkA.
Important: As opposed to yesterday (Sunday) -- today friends are welcome to visit RivkA, for short visits.
Also, please be understanding that you may have to wait a bit to see her (depending on the number of people in her room).
Please understand that family conversations with RivkA will take priority over visitors.
RivkA’s looking forward to seeing you!
And she specifically told me last night, "tell people to check the blog for updates."
On behalf of RivkA,
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
Important: As opposed to yesterday (Sunday) -- today friends are welcome to visit RivkA, for short visits.
Also, please be understanding that you may have to wait a bit to see her (depending on the number of people in her room).
Please understand that family conversations with RivkA will take priority over visitors.
RivkA’s looking forward to seeing you!
And she specifically told me last night, "tell people to check the blog for updates."
On behalf of RivkA,
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A Note from RivkA's Family
Posted on behalf of RivkA's Family
A note from RivkA's Family:
As her family, we know just how special RivkA is. It's no secret that she has friends from all over and from all walks of life. We are very touched by all you who have called to offer support and with offers to help. It reminds us that she is not just special to us, but to so many others.
Jackie, a friend and neighbor of RivkA's, has generously taken it upon herself to organize help for the family when needed.
If you are available to help please email Jackie your:
phone #
email address
what times you are available. (after work hours, mornings, etc....)
and if you have a car
Jackie's email: jzb6768@gmail.com
Jackie's phone: 052-424-6149
Thank you,
RivkA's Family
A note from Moshe:
I am moved by the many offers of help that I am receiving, but I am also finding myself overwhelmed by them.
In addition to the time that I am spending with Rivka and tending to her needs, I am also trying to devote the time, care, and attention to our children that they need from me at this very difficult time.
I very much appreciate the constant phone calls that I'm receiving from so many people, and the outpouring of love, concern, and offers off assistance. But at the same time, I am simply innundated by them, in a manner that is difficult for me to process and that affects my availability to the children.
We do indeed need assistance, but it needs to be channelled in a way that allows me to spend the time together with my family that we need right now to support one another.
Your expressions of support and love mean a great deal to me. Please, do not stop sending them -- but if at all possible, post them here, where I can sit and read them properly at at a time during the day when my time and attention is not needed elsewhere.
If you would rather send me a personal note, please send it to thematityas@gmail.com. And please forgive me if I am unable to respond to them at this time.
For all those who are offering assistance, please contact Jackie through the contact information above. And thank you so very much, from me and from the kids.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism, RivkA
A note from RivkA's Family:
As her family, we know just how special RivkA is. It's no secret that she has friends from all over and from all walks of life. We are very touched by all you who have called to offer support and with offers to help. It reminds us that she is not just special to us, but to so many others.
Jackie, a friend and neighbor of RivkA's, has generously taken it upon herself to organize help for the family when needed.
If you are available to help please email Jackie your:
phone #
email address
what times you are available. (after work hours, mornings, etc....)
and if you have a car
Jackie's email: jzb6768@gmail.com
Jackie's phone: 052-424-6149
Thank you,
RivkA's Family
A note from Moshe:
I am moved by the many offers of help that I am receiving, but I am also finding myself overwhelmed by them.
In addition to the time that I am spending with Rivka and tending to her needs, I am also trying to devote the time, care, and attention to our children that they need from me at this very difficult time.
I very much appreciate the constant phone calls that I'm receiving from so many people, and the outpouring of love, concern, and offers off assistance. But at the same time, I am simply innundated by them, in a manner that is difficult for me to process and that affects my availability to the children.
We do indeed need assistance, but it needs to be channelled in a way that allows me to spend the time together with my family that we need right now to support one another.
Your expressions of support and love mean a great deal to me. Please, do not stop sending them -- but if at all possible, post them here, where I can sit and read them properly at at a time during the day when my time and attention is not needed elsewhere.
If you would rather send me a personal note, please send it to thematityas@gmail.com. And please forgive me if I am unable to respond to them at this time.
For all those who are offering assistance, please contact Jackie through the contact information above. And thank you so very much, from me and from the kids.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism, RivkA
A week and a world – Change
The following post was written by RivkA and is being posted on her behalf.
A week and a world – Change
(written 19.10.2010)
A week passed with no posts and lots of other computer problems and I knew you would all start to worry...during that week.
I started to have some “real” problems –with my vision and speech starting to blur.
As time passed the problems really became serious – the pain increased severely and my liver began to fail.
I have spent the last half of this “silent” period in the hospital.
I wish I could end this post by reassuring you that all will be well. I cannot...but there is room for hope. The situation with my liver can change; we can find a balance of pain management that doesn't make me woozy and we can pray.
At the end of the day, it is God's challenges. God is our ultimate caretaker and we will be taken care of.
So, I'm still here and I am still “fighting the good fight.”
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
A week and a world – Change
(written 19.10.2010)
A week passed with no posts and lots of other computer problems and I knew you would all start to worry...during that week.
I started to have some “real” problems –with my vision and speech starting to blur.
As time passed the problems really became serious – the pain increased severely and my liver began to fail.
I have spent the last half of this “silent” period in the hospital.
I wish I could end this post by reassuring you that all will be well. I cannot...but there is room for hope. The situation with my liver can change; we can find a balance of pain management that doesn't make me woozy and we can pray.
At the end of the day, it is God's challenges. God is our ultimate caretaker and we will be taken care of.
So, I'm still here and I am still “fighting the good fight.”
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
Religious Revelation
The following post was written by RivkA and is being posted on her behalf.
Religious Revelation
(started writing 18.10.2010)
Though not my typical response, I had a revelation on Sunday night, or l'yud chesvan tash”a.
After months of innocently observing my health deteriorate, and continuing blindfoldingly down the path, I realized where I am heading, I finally had a revelation.
I had something I wanted to do (wave your hand Harry Potter) and I begged God to help me make it happen.
I suddenly realized my prayer had just been answered:
On Parashat Balak (insert date here [June 26, 2010] ) we celebrated our youngest daughter's Bat Mitzva....
(This is where RivkA stopped writing since Yaffa came to visit and then a whole string of visitors came and then it was night and in the morning she wrote the post above. She still wants to finish writing this post. However, I pushed her to tell me the end of the story since I was too curious to leave her side without hearing it. This is what she said:)
The revelation was that God answered my last question in the positive and I would be ok for the Bat Mitzvah. I asked for that.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
Religious Revelation
(started writing 18.10.2010)
Though not my typical response, I had a revelation on Sunday night, or l'yud chesvan tash”a.
After months of innocently observing my health deteriorate, and continuing blindfoldingly down the path, I realized where I am heading, I finally had a revelation.
I had something I wanted to do (wave your hand Harry Potter) and I begged God to help me make it happen.
I suddenly realized my prayer had just been answered:
On Parashat Balak (insert date here [June 26, 2010] ) we celebrated our youngest daughter's Bat Mitzva....
(This is where RivkA stopped writing since Yaffa came to visit and then a whole string of visitors came and then it was night and in the morning she wrote the post above. She still wants to finish writing this post. However, I pushed her to tell me the end of the story since I was too curious to leave her side without hearing it. This is what she said:)
The revelation was that God answered my last question in the positive and I would be ok for the Bat Mitzvah. I asked for that.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
RivkA's Video: Coping with Adversity
Hi All.
This talk by RivkA was given in Gush Etzion on June 22, 2009, and she asked that I upload it and make it available for viewing on youtube. Her lecture is in 4 parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
Posted by RivkA's friend,
Jameel (yeah, its a weird name.)
Update; In the spirit of this blog being RivkA's thoughts, the information about the tehillim request is being moved to the comments section.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
This talk by RivkA was given in Gush Etzion on June 22, 2009, and she asked that I upload it and make it available for viewing on youtube. Her lecture is in 4 parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
Posted by RivkA's friend,
Jameel (yeah, its a weird name.)
Update; In the spirit of this blog being RivkA's thoughts, the information about the tehillim request is being moved to the comments section.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,RivkA
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
My recent disappearance had nothing to do with my cancer.
We simply did not have access to the internet for a week or so.
Finally, we took advantage of someone who offered to help us and put him in charge of getting us back on line.
Here I am!
That said, my "situation" is not that great. We still have hope, but things are not that great.
So we appreciate any extra davening and any extra mitzvot performed for our merit.
As I know more, I will keep you posted.
For now, we know that my liver is not functioning well, I finished this round of Whole Brain Radiation (today I had my last WBR treatment), and we are waiting for more blood tests (this Wednesday) before making any decisions.
In short, cancer did not cause the delay in communication, but the technical problems that we have been experiencing certainly include cancer complication.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
We simply did not have access to the internet for a week or so.
Finally, we took advantage of someone who offered to help us and put him in charge of getting us back on line.
Here I am!
That said, my "situation" is not that great. We still have hope, but things are not that great.
So we appreciate any extra davening and any extra mitzvot performed for our merit.
As I know more, I will keep you posted.
For now, we know that my liver is not functioning well, I finished this round of Whole Brain Radiation (today I had my last WBR treatment), and we are waiting for more blood tests (this Wednesday) before making any decisions.
In short, cancer did not cause the delay in communication, but the technical problems that we have been experiencing certainly include cancer complication.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Few Harrowing Days (Medical Update - Sort of....)
Sunday Morning:
Monday Morning:
Wednesday Morning:
General Info:
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
- Hadassah Ein Kerem: Radiation
- Sha'are Zedek:
Chemo (Doxil & Denosumab) - Doxil got canceled because it does bad things when combined with radiation.
- Denosunab (bone drug) got canceled because my Calcium was too low.
- My platelets, hemoglobin, and various other things were also too low, so I needed two units of blood, BUT but it was too late and I would have to return tomorrow.
- Home: Canceled swimming lessons for the next day & Went to Sleep.
Sunday Evening:
- Home: My left foot ballooned up to 2-3 x the regular size; I could barely walk.
- My GP, concerned that thrombosis caused the swelling, sent me to the ER.
- Sha'are Zedek: Ultrasound ruled out thrombosis.
- Option: Spend night at hospital and receive two units of blood while sleeping (or go home and receive blood in the morning). Tired of running to and from the hospitals, the idea of killing two birds with one stone (i.e. getting the blood while I slept) appealed to me. However, I would only stay if Moshe agreed to go home, to be with the kids in the morning and reassure them that everything was okay. After a bit of persuasion, Moshe agreed. I was so tired, I slept quite soundly, despite all the beeping and buzzing.
Monday Morning:
- Sha'are Zedek:
- Woke up to discover I only received one unit of blood during the night.
- Received the second unit of blood.
- Ate three bowls of farina (solet, milk and sugar) -- I was hungry!
- A friend (SS) came to keep me company and, when I finished, to take me to radiation.
- Hadassah Ein Kerem: Radiation
- Home: Slept/Rested.
Tuesday Morning:
- Sha'are Zedek:
- Met with Oncologist, to discuss my liver.
- Did a Liver Scan (no results yet)
- Hadassah Ein Kerem: Radiation.
- Home: Rest
Wednesday Morning:
- Hadassah Ein Kerem: Radiation.
- Home: Rest.
General Info:
- Lip still numb
- Rt. Foot still swollen and sore
- Still Balding from radiation.
- Hands and Feet still red and peeling
- Still bruise fast and heal slowly.
- Still have severe back pain.
- Still have hip pain and muscular pain.
- Still have issues with constipation and stomach cramps
- Still have low appetite and nausea
- Still feel tired and weak.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The State of My Liver: inconclusive (Medical Update)
We did a CT of my liver .
Results: Inconclusive
We did an MRI of my liver.
Results: Inconclusive
We did a PET CT of my liver.
Results: Inconclusive
We did a liver scan of my liver.
We do not yet know the results.
Some of the blood work regarding liver functionins is also a bit suspicious.
Still, nothing is conclusive yet.
Remember, a year and a half ago, when I discovered tumors on my brain and I freaked out about brain mets? One of the things my oncologist emphasized was that tumors on my liver would be far more scary.
Not to worry, I am still not freaking out.
Another thing my oncologist emphasizes is that we do not deal with "what ifs." We will not decide how to handle my current medical situation, until we know what it is. So, until we know the facts, we wait.
Meanwhile, we have had a few harrowing days.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
Results: Inconclusive
We did an MRI of my liver.
Results: Inconclusive
We did a PET CT of my liver.
Results: Inconclusive
We did a liver scan of my liver.
We do not yet know the results.
Some of the blood work regarding liver functionins is also a bit suspicious.
Still, nothing is conclusive yet.
Remember, a year and a half ago, when I discovered tumors on my brain and I freaked out about brain mets? One of the things my oncologist emphasized was that tumors on my liver would be far more scary.
Not to worry, I am still not freaking out.
Another thing my oncologist emphasizes is that we do not deal with "what ifs." We will not decide how to handle my current medical situation, until we know what it is. So, until we know the facts, we wait.
Meanwhile, we have had a few harrowing days.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
liver metastasis,
living with mets
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Give Your Mouth a Rest....
A few weeks ago, I noticed an unusual numbness in my lower lip, as if I had received novacain at the dentist, but it did not wear off.
The 2 1/2 cm (approx.1") wide affected area included my lower lip, my gums, my inner mouth, my tongue, my upper lip, and even my cheek.
At times, I barely noticed the discomfort. During the last few days, however, there have been moments when my speach was impared and moments when I felt severe discomfort, even pain.
I thought this might pass, but it seems to be increasing in severity.
I am trying not to panic, but I do not want the situation to remain as is.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
The 2 1/2 cm (approx.1") wide affected area included my lower lip, my gums, my inner mouth, my tongue, my upper lip, and even my cheek.
At times, I barely noticed the discomfort. During the last few days, however, there have been moments when my speach was impared and moments when I felt severe discomfort, even pain.
I thought this might pass, but it seems to be increasing in severity.
I am trying not to panic, but I do not want the situation to remain as is.
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
living with cancer,
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