My stomach is so unhappy.... it makes me unhappy.
I was in such a good mood today.
I am excited about Pesach and all the wonderful plans we have!
I had my bone drug today, so I spent the morning at the hospital. I had a date with a good friend who I have not seen in a long time. It was great to spend the time with her.
Overall, it was a good morning. My enthusiasm for our Pesach plans spilled over into every conversation I had, with friends, with acquaintances, with hospital stafff, etc. I felt good.
Mid-morning, my stomach started hurting (again). At first it did not bother me much. As the day progressed, it only gotten worse.
I had to take a nap in the afternoon, rather than spending time with my kids.
When I woke, I did not feel better. I am popping Lopi-Care (Imodium), but it has not helped yet.
To make matters worse, I am out of my acid-reflux medication (Omprepradex), so that is bothering me too.
In short, I feel physically miserable, and that makes me feel emotionally miserable.
Moshe's not home yet and the kids are fighting (over the computer -- what else?) and I cannot deal with it well, because I have no emotional resources left.
Oh, and my back hurts, and I have athlete's foot (again! I NEVER had it before I got cancer and now I get it all the time!!), and dry hands, and my markers are still creaping up.
Have I mentioned lately how much I HATE HAVING CANCER?!!!!!!!!
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
Quote of the Day
13 hours ago
Oy. Stomach permitting, can you crawl into a hot bath with great smelling soap and just soak? Tune everyone out? Hoping you feel better soon.
I also hate that you have to deal with cancer.
I also suggest looking up on google about systemic yeast- yeast that lives in the body and manifests itself in annoying symptoms all the time. Athlete's foot is a yeast. It could be obliterated finally with a yeast- infection diet for a week or so. The creams only suppress it, that's why it keeps coming back. It has to be dealt with by diet and then it won't return.
good luck, and I am looking forward to hearing about your Pesach plans. Keep your eyes on the prize!!
Refuah Shleimah!
I'm glad you're excited about Pesach. It'll give you koach, G-d willing.
hope you get all your med supplies together before the holiday so you can just enjoy the holiday. if i had known you needed omapradex, i would have sent you. you can buy it without a prescription. B"h i don't need it anymore. hope the burnies go away 0 and stay away!
Cancer is horrible and I am sorry you are having such a bad day. I hope you now have all your medications and are feeling a bit really should keep a small basket with a few extra meds in it so you never have to be without any.......:-) Hugs
Rivka, I hope you feel better soon. Sending hugs.
Hope you are feeling better! Shavua tov.
I hope you had a restful Shabbat and are already feeling better.
I continue to daven for you.
It's Saturday night, (actually Sunday morning) and I'm hoping that by now you feel better. I hope it's a good week for you.
Nice article
Upset Stomach
I hope you had a restful Shabbat and are already feeling better.
Very nice post you have share.Thanks for sharing.Bathroom Accessories
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