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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Video recording of erev zikaron

I have been receiving messages from many people who were unable to enter the Zoom meeting yesterday because the number of participants had reached maximum capacity.  I apologize to everyone who wasn't able to get in.  Fortunately, the meeting was livestreamed to Facebook as well, and it is still viewable there.  You can watch a recording of the entire erev zikaron on Facebook at this link.  (The actual meeting gets underway at 9 minutes into the video.)


Monday, November 9, 2020

Thank you!

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the erev zikaron yesterday, and for the kind feedback that many of you have given me.  It was heartwarming to spend the evening commemorating Rivka's yahrtzeit with so many friends and family members who knew her so well, and also with those of you who may not have known her as well but who joined in honoring her memory.

Thank you to David, for the moving talk that you gave.

And thank you to those who weren't able to come, but were with us in spirit.

Finally, thank you to Louise for the enormous efforts that you have made over the course of years, to make the book about Rivka into a reality.  And thank you to Raphaël as well for the help you provided, which enabled the book to be made available yesterday.

For those interested in purchasing the book, the details are below.

Besorot tovot,


Rivka: Stories and Memories


Stories and Memories

Stories and memories of RivkA Matitya as shared by her family, friends and blog-readers

Collated and edited by Louise Fox

To purchase copies:

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Erev zikaron for Rivka - 5781

For the past nine years, we have gathered together for an erev zikaron (memorial evening) for Rivka each year, to celebrate her life and remember her.  This year, we will gather online via Zoom to commemorate the tenth anniversary of her passing.

We will be screening a talk originally given by Rivka in 2009, on the topic of "Coping with Adversity".

The talk, as well as the rest of the evening, will be in English.

Everyone who would like to attend is welcome and invited.

Here are the Zoom details:
Topic: Erev zikaron for Rivka - 5781
Date: Sunday evening, 22 Marheshvan / 8 November
Time: 8:00 PM (Jerusalem, Israel)
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 848 1772 8918
Passcode: 4E6WWE

The event will also be livestreamed on this Facebook event page.

Please pass along this message to anyone who might be interested.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you who will be attending!


P.S.:  We will be making an aliyah l'kever (visit to Rivka's grave) that morning (Sun, 21 Marheshvan / 8 November), at 10:00 am.  (Details regarding the location and prayers can be found here.)  Anyone who would like to join us is welcome.