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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Erev zikaron for Rivka - 5774

We will be once again holding an erev zikaron (memorial evening) for Rivka, on the evening of the third anniversary of her passing.

Rabbi Yitzchak Lifshitz will be giving a shiur in Rivka's memory, on the topic of "memory".

The shiur, as well as the rest of the evening, will be in English.

Everyone who is interested is welcome and invited to attend.

Here are the details:

Date: Thursday evening, 21 Marheshvan / 24 October
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: Pelech High School
Rehov Yehudah 31
Baka, Jerusalem
(See here for a map.)

In addition, we will be making an aliya l'kever (visit to Rivka's grave) the following morning (Friday, 21 Marheshvan / 25 October), at 10:00 am.  Details regarding the location and prayers can be found here.  If you're planning to come to the aliya l'kever, please let me know, so that we can make sure to have a minyan.

For everyone who would like to help bring refreshments, please enter your name alongside what you can bring in this spreadsheet.

Please pass along this message to anyone who might be interested.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you who will be coming.

Hodesh tov,
