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Showing posts with label Follow My Leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Follow My Leader. Show all posts

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Shabbat was pretty quiet.

Moshe and I were both getting over colds, so we kept things pretty simple.

With no guests, and Y at a friend's (see previous post), A and MD got some extra attention.

MD spent a lot of time playing with his "Diablo" (never heard of it? see here). He even taught his sister how to juggle with it!

I basically slept all Shabbat.

Our Shabbat Seudot (meals) were very nice, and I managed to stay at the table (awake) for the entire meal. I have not done that in a while.

Despite needing to rest a lot, I found some time to read to my kids, which I also have not done in a while. I read the first two chapters of one of my favorite books: Follow My Leader, by James B. Garfield. I remember this book as being really influential. It will be interesting to read it again as an adult.

I feel a lot better, but, unfortunately, I still do not feel well. I am still very tired (despite not receiving chemo this week).

And I am still, as we say in my family, "a pony" (i.e. I am a little hoarse).

The doctor said that my voice will come back quicker, the less I use it.


What can I say.... it is hard for me to keep my mouth shut! ;-)

Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.

With love and optimism,