I am not feeling too well. My head hurts, I feel pressure in my chest, and my hips, thighs, shoulders and neck hurt.
I am feeling pretty sorry for myself at this moment. I hate not feeling good. And I hate being this way when my parents are here. I want them to see me at my best, so they will not worry when they are not here.
But I am feeling so miserable, there is just no way for me to be my usual, cheerful self.
I mentioned to Moshe how much I hate not feeling well.
Ever the supportive husband, he responded: 'It's your own fault. If you liked not feeling well then you'd be having a great time."
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel. With love and optimism, RivkA
Mel Mathias Jewish War Hero
13 hours ago
all I can really say is: REFUA SHELAYMA and soon!
Either you wanted to laugh or you wanted to hit him after he said that. Or both:)
Hope the pain subsides!
B'ezrat Hashem a Refuah Shleimah
Remember that many perfectly healthy people feel physically depleted and miserable after an exhausting and stressful simcha. It's not just the cancer.
May G-d give you many, many good years with you husband and children.
Classic Moshe. I can hear him saying it. Feel better soon.
Always in my prayers!....a friend of mine suffering from breast cancer just voiced the same sentiments to.I'm just so afraid she'll give up.I suggested this blog because she'll find encouragement and realize she is not alone in her fight!
I'm going to remember that the next time I don't feel well.
I love Moshe's comment. Definitely one to remember when feeling down.
Haven't heard from you in a few days, thinking of you, hoping you are okay....
RivkA - sending you a gentle hug and hope you are feeling a little better. Keeping you in my prayers and sending happy, healing thoughts.
Rivka, I'm sending you hugs, too, and hoping you're feeling better.
Sorry my computer was down and I am now only getting caught up. Hope you are feeling better, love your husband's response....:-)Hugs
Mikimi -- amen!
Susan Tipton -- definitely both!
Batya -- true. cancer just exacerbates and enhances whatever challenges already exist.
DavidZ -- classic, indeed!
Karen -- I hope it helps! If you think it will help her to talk with someone, you can email me privately and I will send you my phone numbers.
Linda -- I hope it makes you laugh! It's the laughter and love that make us feel better!!
Joanlil -- you bet!
Baila -- just busy!
Bee, Rahel & Bernie -- Thanks!
The greatest gift you can give the people you love is to let them care for you. Relax and accept the nurturing so you can build your strength and continue to motivate your family and friends for years to come.
You are the perfect example of the power of the ripple affect. I share your blog with people you may never meet as a source of inspiration for strength and humor during their struggles.
My prayers are always with you
Andrea (your ditsy California cousin)
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