By far, the most challenging aspect of Pesach is cleaning out my fridge and freezer.
Now, I am not talking about the basic act of cleaning, which simply involves a bucket of soapy water, a sponge, and about an hour and a half of time.
No... that is the easy part.
The tough part is finishing off all the food that has been forgotten, buried deep inside my freezer.
Every year I discover different treasures.
This year, the "stash" includes: pastries; hamburger buns, banana muffins, cooked chicken (in a chametzdik sauce), rolls, one last challah, etc.
Our shul (synagogue) is organizing a catered community meal this Shabbat. We cannot go. We have to eat chametz!
Between our fridge and our pantry, there is too much to finish.
Usually, on Shabbat, I limit the amount of carbohydrates that the kids eat. I want them to eat something besides challah -- a little protein, some vegetables.
This Shabbat, everything goes. No limits. There will be noodles and soup nuts. Lots of desserts. Lots of couscous. Lots of challah.
It took me years to discover that all the weight I gain "during Pesach" is, in reality, gained during the month before Pesach, trying to finish all our chametz!
Please daven (or send happy, healing thoughts) for RivkA bat Teirtzel.
With love and optimism,
Learn to See, Learn to Draw
1 day ago
I'm going to have to send a "Who wants pittot?" Announcement to our Shiloh list. I already sent out a bilingual. "I need some help please."
I gained at least a half kilo over Shabbat. Clearly--it is all your fault. :)
Think about giving some chametz to the local beggar!
I keep sending "extras" when my kids go to youth group.
As Y says "they'll eat anything!"
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