Saturday, November 12, 2011
Refreshments for erev zikaron
If you have any questions about this, you can contact Idit Amir, who is organizing it, at this address.
Shavua tov, and see you on Thursday,
-- Moshe
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Erev zikaron for Rivka: Details and some thoughts
Here are the finalized details:
Date: Thursday evening, 21 Marheshvan / November 17
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: Shalom Hartman Institute
Main Beit Midrash
Rehov Gedalyahu Alon 11
Directions are available here, and on Google Maps here.
In addition, we will be making an aliya l'kever (visit to Rivka's grave) on Sunday morning, 23 Marheshvan / November 20, at (tentatively) 9:00 am. (This is the date on which Rivka's yahrtzeit will be formally commemorated this year.) Details regarding the location and prayers can be found in the post about our last aliya l'kever, here.
I want to thank all the people who responded to my request for photos of Rivka, to be used in the presentation we're making. I apologize that I haven't had the time to thank everyone individually. And to anyone who has some good photos but hasn't sent them to me yet: I'm still interested, and would be very happy to receive them.
Finally, a few thoughts that I'd like to share about the upcoming evening:
All of us miss Rivka tremendously, so it is obvious (and fitting) that we will feel sadness and loss on the night that we gather to remember her together. But at the same time, I hope very much that there will be happiness as well, and an opportunity to smile and laugh as we remember all the good times that we had with Rivka.
In her blog post entitled No Droopy Eyes Please, Rivka wrote the following:
"Okay, so here is the deal: I don't want people to look at me with sad, 'droopy' eyes.Of course, Rivka wrote the above words in reference to herself during her lifetime. But as all of us who knew Rivka understand, she would most definitely ask for the exact same thing after her passing as well.
I don't want people to think of me and feel sad.
I know that when you first hear the news, it's a bit of a shock. So it's okay to be sad in the beginning... But don't stay there!
So here's what I want:
When you think of me, be happy.
When you see me, smile."
Now don't get me wrong: On the evening of the erev zikaron, I don't expect that any of us will be able to fully comply with Rivka's request for "No Droopy Eyes". But even through our "droopy eyes", we can and should remember to also be happy when we think of her, and to smile when we see her (in photos, or in our memories).
I look forward to seeing you all in two weeks.
-- Moshe
P.S.: I am sending this message by email to a long list of Rivka's friends, but it is far from being an exhaustive list. So please, make sure to pass along this message to anyone who might be interested.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Save the date
Please pass along this message to anyone who might be interested.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Wanted: Photos of Rivka
We are looking for good photos of Rivka. If you have any, we would very much like to use them. (We're particularly short on pictures of her from the old "frisbee chevra" days [late '80's and early '90's].)
Ideally, we'd like to get the photos in digital form. If you only have prints but are willing to scan them for us, you'd be helping us out tremendously. If you aren't able to scan the prints but can lend them to us, then we'll try to scan them ourselves.
So if you've got good pictures of Rivka for us to use, please send them (or links to them) to this address.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
12 months
Family and friends will be visiting her grave Friday morning at 11:00 am, to recite Tehillim (Psalms) and Kaddish. All who wish to attend are welcome.
The Tehillim and prayers that will be recited can be found here. (For "שם הנפטר"/"Deceased name", enter "רבקה". For "העדה"/"Congregation", choose "אשכנז". Then click on "חפש"/"Search".)
Rivka's grave is at the following location in Har HaMenuhot (Givat Shaul):
גוש צ', חלקה ק"א, שורה ב', קבר 1
(block צ', plot ק"א, row ב', grave 1)
We will gather first by the gate at the entrance to the cemetary.
If you are planning on attending, please leave a comment on this post, or send an email, in order to help us ensure that there will be a minyan present.
Please pass along this message to anyone who might be interested.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
A Celebration Honoring the Life of RivkA
The Jerusalem Twitter and Blogging Community Would Like to Invite You To
A Celebration Honoring The Life Of
RivkA Matitya
For the Benefit of Meneket RivkA
A New Breast Pump Lending Center (Gemach) and Consultation Service
Thursday, March 24
20:00 at the Inbal Hotel
Twestival 2011
![]() Kolot | ![]() Lisa Gold | Benji Lovtt | Hahafuch |
Minimum Donation: NIS 50 Adult;
NIS 30 Child; NIS 200 Family
100% of the funds collected will be donated to Meneket RivkA
About Meneket RivkAMeneket RivkA is a memorial tzedakah (charity) project in honor of RivkA Matitya a Jerusalem blogger (Coffee and Chemo), activist and educator who died of breast cancer this year. To honor her life and as a tribute to all that RivkA gave to us, the Twestival organizers have decided to support Meneket RivkA at this year's Twestival donating 100% of the funds raised to help establish this worthy cause. Meneket RivkA was conceived of by RivkA's friends, students and teachers to serve a cause that she truly believed in, carried out in association with the Jerusalem Breastfeeding Center and the Eden Center, and with the blessing of RivkA's family. Among RivkA’s many passions was breastfeeding education and support. As a La Leche League leader she inspired many women, both to breastfeed their children as well as to become breastfeeding educators and lactation consultants themselves. RivkA believed very strongly that breastfeeding, and breastfeeding education, should be accessible to everyone. She did not receive payment for her services, and offered breastfeeding help to anyone and everyone, even in the final weeks leading up to her passing. As a tribute to RivkA's passions, and belief in the importance of women's body awareness and health, an unique new service: "Meneket RivkA", a "Gemach" (Lending Center) for top-of-the-range Breastmilk Pumps for new mothers in need of such equipment but unable to afford it was founded in her memory. For more information visit their website About TwestivalTwestival® (or Twitter Festival) uses social media for social good by connecting communities offline on a single day to highlight a great cause and have a fun event. Twestival is the largest global grassroots social media fundraising initiative to date. Since 2009, volunteers have raised close to $1.2 million for 137 nonprofits. All local events are organized 100% by volunteers and 100% of all ticket sales and donations go direct to projects. Twestival was born out of the idea that if cities were able to collaborate on an international scale, but work from a local level, it could have a spectacular impact. Over 200 international cities from Buenos Aires to Bangalore, Seattle to Seoul and Hong Kong to Honolulu have participated in Twestival. For more information visit and |
Our Local Sponsors ![]() | |
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Please daven (or send happy thoughts) for the memory of RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
With love and optimism, RivkA's family