RivkA's family will be concluding shiva this Friday, November 5th, after mincha which will start at 12:30 PM.
The family would like to eat/rest on Thursday between 12:00-15:00 and 18:30-19:30
(i.e. no visitors at these times)
Also, please no visitors after 22:00 pm.
Thank you for all your visits, condolences, emails and support.
Tefilot / Prayer times:
Shacharit - 7:00am [Help is needed strengthening the morning minyan]
Mincha - 16:40pm
Maariv - 17:20pm
If you need directions to the shiva, you can contact me at muqata@gmail.com
May RivkA's family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please daven (or send happy thoughts) for the memory of RivkA bat Yishaya HaLevi.
With love and optimism, RivkA's family
Learn to See, Learn to Draw
17 hours ago
Please post address and bus numbers from the central bus station!
Anonymous - please email me for the address/bus info.
I now have my blog up and it speaks of RivkA, and will hopefully have more entries concerning RivkA in the near future.
I had a dream about Rivka last night:
She was at my sister-in-law's apartment where there was a women's party going on. (I actually had tried to connect my SIL to RivkA since she, too, has breast cancer, but it never happened).
Rivka was dancing, smiling, beaming actually, hugging people - in short, she was just as radiant as she always was.
The dream left a good, calm feeling. Thought I should share this with you.
Praying for RivkA's family....Hugs
Kiitos suunnitellut jakaa niin miellyttävä ajatus, viesti on mukava, siksi olen lukenut sen kokonaan
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